Does this happen to you: While working at your computer/reading an engaging novel/watching a favorite television program, you are attacked by the snack gremlins? It happens to me a lot! My stomach…or is it my brain…keep saying, “Wouldn’t a snack be nice right about now?”
What snacks do you reach for? If you’re anything like me, your choice isn’t always (i.e.: hardly ever) healthy.
In an effort to correct that situation, I decided to buy a bag of trail mix. While looking at the vast variety of mixes on my grocery store shelves, I had a revelation: Most of the ingredients I like in a trail mix were already in my home pantry.
So I tossed together peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, dried cherries, dried cranberries, raisins,
and dried apricots. Then I added some dark chocolate chips…those are good for you, right? Then I dumped the whole mixture into glass jars to keep on hand when the snack gremlins pay a visit.
What are your must-haves in a trail mix?
Or do you have a different go-to snack?
Healthy or not?