Thursday, September 27, 2012

How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?

Oh how I wish I was posting a Friday Cookie Jar recipe today. Or any other recipe. Unfortunately I will be away from this blog for a little while. My husband, Michael, known to all of you as The Picky Eater, has a broken heart. So today I'm waiting while he has multiple bypass surgery to fix the problem.

Michael is a warm, caring Teddy Bear type of man who isn't afraid to love. He is also my strongest defender against Life's difficulties, and the biggest champion of my dreams. He will stop the car to give $20 to someone digging in a trash can. He thinks of our regular waitresses and bank tellers as friends. And he will wrap his strong arms around me whenever I'm in need of comfort and caring.

He is the love of my life. I thank God every day for bringing him to me, and I pray we will have many more loving years ahead.

See you again soon.


  1. Praying for peace and wellness for both of you, Linda.

  2. I am here for you...please knock on my door if you need anything! Am thinking of you both, and sending healing vibes his way~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  3. Sending some prayers for his swift recovery. That is a difficult surgery but I'm sure you will help him get back on his feet. Thinking positive thoughts for you.

  4. Linda,

    I read your blog often, have tried many of your recipes, but most of all, I love your stories.Everything has so much heart!
    Please know he is in capable hands.
    You will be back blogging in no time!

  5. Linda,
    Micheal will be absolutely fine!!! You see God is great!!! Praying for a speedy recovery!!! You take care of yourself too.
    Ishita (from Kolkata, India)

  6. Sorry I’m posting this so late…I’ve kind of been out of touch lately. My prayers and thoughts are with you both!
