Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Summertime Table and an Award

Happy July 4th!

I’ve been busy this morning making summer dishes to take to my sister-in-law’s home for a family gathering. My party contributions include:

Danish Cucumbers

Gathering Brownies

If you’re looking for other summer menu ideas, check out:

Now for the Award!

I am thrilled and honored that Kathy of Bakeaway with Me picked my blog for a Lovely Blog Award. We “met” while posting about the Gourmet Live list of 50 Women Game-Changers, and I’ve enjoyed following her blog ever since. Take a few minutes to visit her blog. You won’t be sorry!

One of the requirements to accepting this award is to tell seven things about me. Here’s my list:

  1. I subscribe to a lot of magazines (mostly food ones) but I never take the time to read them. They just keep stacking up. The only one I read each week is Sports Illustrated!
  2. I dream of living in London, even if only for a few months. It is my favorite city and I’d love a little apartment in Mayfair. Now I want to show it off to my husband.
  3. I also dream of living on a farm, but I know I’m getting a little old to do all of that hard work! So I’ll enjoy the farmers market instead.
  4. I’m concerned about turning 50 in December. That just seems old!
  5. I’m addicted to the Waltons. The Great Depression time period has always intrigued me.
  6. I have two shelves of books I haven’t read yet—and I keep adding to it.
  7. When anyone tells me about their vacation, my first question is, “What did you have to eat?”
Now I have the honor of passing this award to five blogs I find lovely. Here are my selections. Be sure to visit their Lovely Blogs:

The View from Great Island
The English Kitchen
Around the Table
Months of Edible Celebrations

The Rules of Acceptance:
• Thank the person who gave you this award
• Include a link to their blog
• Next, select 5 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
• Nominate those bloggers for the Award.
• Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
• In the same post, include this set of rules.
• Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.


  1. Thanks, Linda, I'm honored! And now I'm off to check out those Lemon Crisps!

  2. You're welcome, Sue. I always enjoy visiting you blog, and it is truely lovely. Let me know if you try the Lemon Crisps!

  3. Thanks so much Linda!!! You made my day. :)

  4. You're welcome, Leanne! I really enjoy your blog.

  5. Hi Linda!!! What a delightful surprise. And that assortment of dishes is simply amazing!!! I too enjoy visiting Kathy's blog as well as yours.

    Thank you so much for the award and, don't worry too much about the big 50, they say 50 is the new 40, lol...and we won't even discuss my milestone b-day his year:)

    Thanks again and thank you so much for sharing...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh ... typos! Drat! As I was saying ... thanks for the nod! It's always nice to be recognized by someone you admire! I hope you keep at this blog for a long time ... it's such a great place to visit!
